Announcement: NAV 3.9.2 released
Morten Brekkevold
2011-11-17 11:45:21 UTC
Unfortunately, there were no releases while I was on leave, so it's time
to get back on track:

NAV version 3.9.2 is now available for download at Launchpad:

This release includes bugfixes for the following issues:

* LP#300708 (Improve the link up/down trap plugin to include description)
* LP#338696 (Postgresql service checker is actually a port checker)
* LP#787957 (No trunk information on H3C switches)
* LP#802408 (Lowercase cricket rrd file not found when sysname has uppercase
* LP#854696 (Adding a new filter or new filter group in Alert Profiles fails)
* LP#858055 (Creating a new maintenance task with ÆØÅ in description fails)
* LP#862208 (No cricket stats for directories "routers" and "switches" in
* LP#865292 (HTTP service checker ignores query string)
* LP#890190 (linkstate trap handler does not work)
* LP#890607 (Set supervisor SW version as chassis SW version on Cisco devices)
* LP#891090 (pping creates multiple RRD files for same data, causing ipdevinfo
to display availability as N/A)

Please report bugs at https://launchpad.net/nav/+filebug :-)

A binary package for Debian will be made available as soon as
possible. The Debian package is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring,
on commission From UNINETT.

Happy NAVing everyone!
Morten Brekkevold
Morten Werner Forsbring
2011-11-21 12:03:10 UTC
Post by Morten Brekkevold
A binary package for Debian will be made available as soon as
possible. The Debian package is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring,
on commission From UNINETT.
The Debian package is now available on Alioth [1] as usual. Only for
Debian Squeeze this time, but please let me know if anyone still uses
NAV with Debian Lenny.

- Werner

[1] http://pkg-nav.alioth.debian.org/
