How to connect devices in Netmap view
2011-03-21 03:04:05 UTC

I try to connect between routers and switches within our network so I
can view it in Netmap view on the toolbox.
I've read the guides in
I've create the vlan and change the description on the routers and
switches to match the requirement based on the guidelines.

However, I'm unable to connect the routers and switches on the netmap.
The devices on the netmap are not connected and seems like "flying" on
it's own and hard to capture to view all devices at the same time.
Could you give me a hint, for example how to connect between two devices
and view it correctly on the netmap view.


2011-03-21 03:40:53 UTC
Post by Royke
I try to connect between routers and switches within our network so I
can view it in Netmap view on the toolbox.
I've read the guides in
I've create the vlan and change the description on the routers and
switches to match the requirement based on the guidelines.
However, I'm unable to connect the routers and switches on the netmap.
The devices on the netmap are not connected and seems like "flying" on
it's own and hard to capture to view all devices at the same time.

Correction, the connection view in netmap is established now. But I
think I found a bugs (or is it a feature ?). My Prefix definition is
dissapear , but my Vlan seems automagically filled with lot of Nettypes
definition namely : core, elink, vlan. I think it is a normal
behaviour, is it or not ?

Also I found many error from ipdevpoll.log like below (cannot paste all
but I paste the most important parts I think) :

File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py",
line 243, in callback
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py",
line 312, in _startRunCallbacks
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py",
line 328, in _runCallbacks
self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/ipdevpoll/schedule.py", line 236,
in reset
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reset'
2011-03-21 04:21:05,205 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-7600.cbn.net.id] Caught exception during save. Last object =
NetboxSnmpOid(netbox=Netbox(id=1, up_to_date=True), frequency=3600).
Last model: None
IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
2011-03-21 04:21:05,583 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-7600.cbn.net.id] The last query was: {'time': '0.001', 'sql':
'INSERT INTO "netboxsnmpoid" ("netboxid", "snmpoidid", "frequency")
VALUES (1, 24, 3600)'}
2011-03-21 04:21:06,038 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-7600.cbn.net.id] Save stage failed with unhandled error
Traceback (most recent call last):
psycopg2.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

2011-03-21 04:21:06,039 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-7600.cbn.net.id] Job 'profiling' for cyber-7600.cbn.net.id
aborted: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

2011-03-21 04:21:09,333 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-iix-7200.cbn.net.id] Caught exception during save. Last object =
NetboxSnmpOid(netbox=Netbox(id=2, up_to_date=True), frequency=3600).
Last model: None

IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

2011-03-21 04:21:09,333 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-iix-7200.cbn.net.id] The last query was: {'time': '0.023', 'sql':
'INSERT INTO "netboxsnmpoid" ("netboxid", "snmpoidid", "frequency")
VALUES (2, 129, 3600)'}
2011-03-21 04:21:09,529 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-iix-7200.cbn.net.id] Save stage failed with unhandled error

psycopg2.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

2011-03-21 04:21:09,543 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-iix-7200.cbn.net.id] Job 'profiling' for cyber-iix-7200.cbn.net.id
aborted: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

2011-03-21 04:21:09,578 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [profiling
cyber-6500.cbn.net.id] Caught exception during save. Last object =
NetboxSnmpOid(netbox=Netbox(id=3, up_to_date=True), frequency=3600).
Last model: None
return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
psycopg2.IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint

2011-03-21 04:21:13,687 [ERROR jobs.jobhandler] [inventory
cyber-7600.cbn.net.id] Job 'inventory' for cyber-7600.cbn.net.id
aborted: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "prefix_netaddr_key"


Morten Brekkevold
2011-03-21 21:16:57 UTC
Correction, the connection view in netmap is established now. But I think I
found a bugs (or is it a feature ?). My Prefix definition is dissapear , but
core, elink, vlan. I think it is a normal behaviour, is it or not ?
I'm not sure what you're referring to here? What prefix definition has

NAV autodetects your prefixes from your routers. The only prefixes
you'll need to add yourself are "scope" and "reserved" prefixes.

A "scope" prefix is an indication of what network address would
encompass your entire network (though you may add multiple scopes if
your delegated network block addresses vary wildly). The scope prefix
is only used for things such as the graphical network scope report,
which shows you your subnet allocations and utilization.

A "reserved" prefix is a prefix you do not route, or which is routed by
something you aren't monitoring with your NAV. They can be added just
to designate them as such in the scope report mentioned above.

As for the prefixes/vlans autodiscovered by NAV, NAV will try to
classify each as either "link", "elink", "core" or "lan".

I believe all these are described adequately at the Wiki page you
already referred to,
http://metanav.uninett.no/subnetsandvlans#network_types .
Also I found many error from ipdevpoll.log like below (cannot paste all but I
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 243,
in callback
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 312,
in _startRunCallbacks
--- <exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 328,
in _runCallbacks
self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/ipdevpoll/schedule.py", line 236, in
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reset'
Looks like a bug in the handling of devices that have been physically
replaced. The rest of your errors may be caused by the same problem,
since this seems to create some scheduling problem for the duration of
the ipdevpoll process.

If you would report these error messages at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+filebug I would be gratefaul :)
Morten Brekkevold
2011-03-22 06:49:42 UTC
Post by Morten Brekkevold
Correction, the connection view in netmap is established now. But I think I
found a bugs (or is it a feature ?). My Prefix definition is dissapear , but
core, elink, vlan. I think it is a normal behaviour, is it or not ?
I'm not sure what you're referring to here? What prefix definition has
I refering to link in (http://metanav.int.cbn.net.id/seeddb/prefix/). I
already fill the prefix with the subnet of the point-to-point link
between routers and switches of the network. Then change the description
of the interface. And suddenly the prefix dissapear. I guess the
autodetected vlan prefix superseed the prefix I already fill in the
prefix tab and filling the vlan
(http://metanav.int.cbn.net.id/seeddb/vlan/) with the network type
Post by Morten Brekkevold
NAV autodetects your prefixes from your routers. The only prefixes
you'll need to add yourself are "scope" and "reserved" prefixes.
A "scope" prefix is an indication of what network address would
encompass your entire network (though you may add multiple scopes if
your delegated network block addresses vary wildly). The scope prefix
is only used for things such as the graphical network scope report,
which shows you your subnet allocations and utilization.
A "reserved" prefix is a prefix you do not route, or which is routed by
something you aren't monitoring with your NAV. They can be added just
to designate them as such in the scope report mentioned above.
As for the prefixes/vlans autodiscovered by NAV, NAV will try to
classify each as either "link", "elink", "core" or "lan".
I believe all these are described adequately at the Wiki page you
already referred to,
http://metanav.uninett.no/subnetsandvlans#network_types .
Yes , it explained a lot.
Post by Morten Brekkevold
Also I found many error from ipdevpoll.log like below (cannot paste all but I
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 243,
in callback
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 312,
in _startRunCallbacks
---<exception caught here> ---
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 328,
in _runCallbacks
self.result = callback(self.result, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/ipdevpoll/schedule.py", line 236, in
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reset'
Looks like a bug in the handling of devices that have been physically
replaced. The rest of your errors may be caused by the same problem,
since this seems to create some scheduling problem for the duration of
the ipdevpoll process.
If you would report these error messages at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+filebug I would be gratefaul :)
I will post this at launchpad bugzilla.

2011-03-22 06:56:55 UTC
On 03/22/2011 01:49 PM, Royke wrote:

Sorry for incorrect link .. it is the last part that I meant :

http://mydomain.com/seeddb/prefix/ --> /seeddb/prefix/
http://mydomain.com/seeddb/vlan/ --> /seeddb/vlan/

Morten Brekkevold
2011-03-30 09:12:30 UTC
Post by Royke
Post by Morten Brekkevold
Correction, the connection view in netmap is established now. But I think I
found a bugs (or is it a feature ?). My Prefix definition is dissapear , but
core, elink, vlan. I think it is a normal behaviour, is it or not ?
I'm not sure what you're referring to here? What prefix definition has
I refering to link in (http://metanav.int.cbn.net.id/seeddb/prefix/). I
already fill the prefix with the subnet of the point-to-point link between
routers and switches of the network. Then change the description of the
interface. And suddenly the prefix dissapear. I guess the autodetected vlan
prefix superseed the prefix I already fill in the prefix tab and filling the
vlan (http://metanav.int.cbn.net.id/seeddb/vlan/) with the network type
Ok, I think you may be confusing things (and I think this is confusing
about the SeedDB interface as well).

You can only add/edit prefixes of type `scope` and `reserved`. There is
no point in adding point-to-point link prefixes, because these are
neither `scope` nor `reserved`, they are `link` prefixes. These will be
automatically collected from your routers by NAV.

What happened here is that NAV found your point-to-point link's prefix
in your router, and re-classified it to a `link` type prefix. That's
why it looks like it disappeared from SeedDB - it is no longer editable
there, since it is now part of NAV's collected information.

If you want to see the full list of known prefixes, you should view the
Prefix report in the report tool.
Post by Royke
Post by Morten Brekkevold
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'reset'
Looks like a bug in the handling of devices that have been physically
replaced. The rest of your errors may be caused by the same problem,
since this seems to create some scheduling problem for the duration of
the ipdevpoll process.
If you would report these error messages at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+filebug I would be gratefaul :)
I will post this at launchpad bugzilla.
Morten Brekkevold
Morten Brekkevold
2011-03-21 21:04:08 UTC
However, I'm unable to connect the routers and switches on the netmap. The
devices on the netmap are not connected and seems like "flying" on it's own
and hard to capture to view all devices at the same time.
Could you give me a hint, for example how to connect between two devices and
view it correctly on the netmap view.
Please be aware that the Netmap shows your layer 3 topology by default
(everything else can be gotten from the dropdown menus).

Once your topology changes (or you otherwise change your device
configuration as describe in your post), it may take some time for NAV
to discover the changes and calculate a new topology.
Morten Brekkevold