Ingeborg Hellemo
2011-12-14 10:13:20 UTC
We use subcategories extensively. There is a bug in the report generator
related to subcats.
Howto reproduce:
* Goto Home > Report > Server (or some other category with subcategories).
* Click on subcats for a server which belongs to a subcategory. You are now in
* Click on the name of a subcategory
* You will now enter of
Lo and behold:
Configuration error! The report generator is not able to do such things.
column "category" does not exist LINE 1: ...IN netboxcategory USING
(netboxid)) AS foo WHERE category =... ^
related to subcats.
Howto reproduce:
* Goto Home > Report > Server (or some other category with subcategories).
* Click on subcats for a server which belongs to a subcategory. You are now in
* Click on the name of a subcategory
* You will now enter of
Lo and behold:
Configuration error! The report generator is not able to do such things.
column "category" does not exist LINE 1: ...IN netboxcategory USING
(netboxid)) AS foo WHERE category =... ^
Ingeborg Østrem Hellemo -- ingeborg.hellemo-***
Dep. of Information Technology --- Univ. of Tromsø
Ingeborg Østrem Hellemo -- ingeborg.hellemo-***
Dep. of Information Technology --- Univ. of Tromsø