Announcement: NAV 3.6.0b2 released
Morten Brekkevold
2010-06-10 12:18:09 UTC
The second beta test release of NAV 3.6 is now available for download at
Launchpad, NAV 3.6.0b2:

Beta testing is open to anyone, but please be aware, this code IS NOT
production ready. If you wish to test the beta code, do so on a dedicated
test system. Three of our own customers, in addition to our self, will be
running "official" beta tests, so we have a good spread in the types of
networks and devices we get to test the new code on.

The most important fix in this beta is likely the migration of switch port
statistics collected by Cricket. Upgrading an existing NAV installation to
3.6.0b1 would lose that data (not the data itself, just NAV's link to it).

A binary package for Debian 5 (Lenny) will be made available as soon as
possible. The Debian package is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring, on
commission From UNINETT.

Happy NAVing everyone!
Morten Brekkevold