Announcement: NAV 3.9.0b1 released
Morten Brekkevold
2011-05-20 12:22:57 UTC
A beta version of the upcoming 3.9 series of NAV, version 3.9.0b1, is
now available for download at Launchpad for those who wish to test it:

The 3.9 series include these improvements:

User-visible features and improvements:

* NAV's threshold monitoring feature has finally been completed - Threshold
Manager is a new web tool that allows adjusting threshold values for
individual statistical data sources. Alerts generated by the threshold
monitor can be subscribed to in users' alert profiles.

* MAC Watch is a new web tool that maintains a watch list of MAC addresses.
Whenever a watched MAC address appears on your network, NAV will send an
alert that can be subscribed to.

* ipdevpoll can now retrieve VLAN configuration from Extreme Networks

* ipdevpoll can now optionally use the pynetsnmp library as an alternative
to the TwistedSNMP/PySNMP combination. pynetsnmp is a ctypes binding to
the well-known NetSNMP library, and should noticeably improve performance
if used.

* Layer 2 topology discovery has been rewritten from scratch, due to both
problems with the results of the old discovery code and problems with
maintaining the old code.


* LP#739718 (ifName should be derived from baseport number if not available)

More changes may still make it into the final release.

Please report bugs at https://launchpad.net/nav/+filebug :-)

A binary package for Debian 5 (Lenny) will be made available as soon as
possible. The Debian package is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring, on
commission From UNINETT.

Happy NAVing everyone!
Morten Brekkevold